Saturday, October 11, 2014

Armand Guillaumin paintings added to Geocodedart

Place Valhubert

Painting by Armand Guillaumin (1841-1927). A prolific artist who produced portraits, still life, and landscapes, where his style was marked by a soft focus, bright colors, and a crowded vista, with very little sky or horizon to be seen. When further south, there tended to be more sky, but the works had even less sharp edges to them, as if when he is in the sun too long he finds it hard to keep his eyes sharply focused. This is an image of more precise lines than the artist would use later in his career when he painted more sites outside Paris than in it. Of all of the sites to paint in Paris, this begs the question of just what the artist saw here that he felt compelled to record and share it (bearing in mind that this is when it took more than an instant to do that).

Guillaumin geocoded

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